Prince Charles 'greenwashes' his earnings


In the UK, Prince Charles' latest published accounts show that he paid less tax last year - while earning £1m more - by off-setting his payments to HM Revenue & Customs with a series of green purchases.

The schedule of purchases included the conversion of his fleet of cars so that they run on bioethanol and the installation of woodchip boilers in his home.

The Prince's investment in green electricity supplies and further reduction in travel-related emissions enabled him to claim that his household had generated 18% less CO2 than the year before, according to The Independent.

Part of the reduction was achieved by converting his range of Jaguars, Audi and Range Rover to run on biodiesel made from used cooking oil, while the Prince's Aston Martin has been converted to run on surplus wine from English vineyards.

While his advisers claimed that this represented a huge success in his battle against climate change, the accounts also revealed that Prince Charles was able to use his 'green expenditure' to ensure he paid less income tax on revenues - which increased by 7% to £16.3m and which grew more than £360,000 to £8.3m.