Greenstar facility best in Ireland & UK


At the CIWM Professional Awards, held at the end of May, Greenstar was awarded the PEEL People’s Cup 2008.

Greenstar received this prestigious award - which recognises excellence in operational teamwork on site - for the Ballynagran Landfill in County Wicklow.

Operated by Greenstar, the site was found to be well equipped, with an excellent relationship between contract staff and Greenstar staff, as well as a strong social element. With Greenstar support, the staff work with the local community to provide activities such as football coaching and life boat duties and morale on site is very high, accompanied by a high standard of operational performance.

This is the first occasion in the 20-year history of the PEEL People’s Cup that it was awarded to a facility in Ireland.

The runners-up in 2008 were Integra North Waste to Energy Facility in Hampshire operated by Veolia and Coventry and Solihull Waste to Energy Facility in Coventry operated by Coventry and Solihull Waste Disposal Company.