Cork County Council has now seen the completion of the Farm
Film Collections within the county - organised and managed
by the Irish Farm Films Producer Group (IFFPG).
"it was deemed a huge success, with almost 4000 farmers visiting
the 16 designated locations with an estimated 3000 tonnes
of silage wrap and pit covers being gathered for recycling"
- according to Mr. Enda Kiernan, Senior Executive Engineer,
Cork County Council (South).
The contract was undertaken by Agrilife Services Ltd.
on behalf of IFFPG. Mr. Liam Moloney, General Manager, IFFPG,
described the bring-centres in County Cork as "hugely successful
and that this service would be provided annually going forward,
in addition to farm collections, which are available all year
The collected plastic will be baled and sent to Co Tipperary
where it will be washed and heat-treated. At the end of this
process the recycled plastic goes for manufacture into items
such as damp-proof membranes, garden and street furniture,
pallets and refuse sacks, amongst other things. The segregation
of netting from plastics is necessary for future collections
organised by farmers from their premises and should be borne
in mind at all times.
It should be remembered that it is illegal to burn or to
bury polythene. IFFPG will accept bale wrap, pit covers and
net wrap from 2008 onwards - but the latter must be kept separate.
When ordering a collection of plastics in 2008, proof of
purchase is all that is required to entitle the farmer to
cheaper collection rates. However, to continue with the cheaper
rates in 2008, it is required to keep a 6 digit number on
the pallet from which the plastic came.
For more detailed information, contact -
Waverly Office Park
Old Naas Road
Dublin 12
Tel: 1890 300 444