Mr John Gormley TD, Minister for the Environment, Heritage
and Local Government has announced that he has engaged consultants
- White Young Green - to carry out an independent and
rigorous assessment of site conditions at the former Irish
Ispat site at Haulbowline, Co. Cork.
White Young Green were engaged following - what the Minister
referred to as - extensive unauthorised works by sub-contractors
of Hammond Lane Metal Company Ltd at the site (Click
The assessment, which will begin this week, will involve
analysis of soil, slag, dust, surface and ground water samples
for all likely contaminants - including heavy metals such
as Chromium.
White Young Green had previously carried out an extensive
intrusive site investigation in 2005, which indicated no evidence
of any immediate threat to human health or the environment.
In this context, Minister Gormley stated that WYG are best
suited to determine the best way forward in securing the site
from an Environmental and Health & Safety point of view,
should they find any immediate threat that presents as a result
of the unauthorised work of the sub-contractors.
Testing results will be assessed against baseline data from
WYG's previous survey in 2005. This assessment will form part
of a programmed approach to the management of the site and
will also be used to inform further consideration of the future
of the site by Government.
To view the Minister's statement - Click