Renewable energy group welcomes Ireland-Scotland power link


NOW Ireland – The National Offshore Wind Energy Association of Ireland - has welcomed the commissioning of a study to test the feasibility of a new electricity interconnection between Ireland and Scotland (Click Here).

NOW Ireland stated that the linking of systems allows for the smoothing of energy supply and saves considerable money on peaking plant, while allowing Ireland to export renewable energy in large quantities to the UK and, potentially, further afield.

The group said that such an interconnection would be another big step to unlocking the potential of offshore wind, marine and tidal energy - of which Ireland has some of the world's best resources.

"Since its formation in 2007, NOW Ireland has vigorously lobbied Minister Ryan on the issue of interconnection. We believe that it is critical to solving our long-term dependence on imported oil and gas. Interconnection allows Ireland to fully utilise our natural resources and to massively increase our energy security in the process" - the group said.

NOW Ireland has estimated the short-term generating potential of offshore wind energy to be in excess of 2000MW from existing license areas in Irish waters. Long-term, the potential is far greater and there is a real potential for Ireland to be a major force in European energy production.

For more information on NOW Ireland - Click Here