Ireland placed on shipping 'white list'


Ireland has been admitted to the prestigious 'White List' of top performing shipping states in the world.

The Executive Committee of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on port state control (the Paris MoU) met in Greece recently and decided to admit Ireland to the white list in recognition of the significant improvement Ireland has made in recent years in safety standards aboard Irish registered ships.

The Paris MoU consists of 27 national maritime administrations and covers the waters of the European coastal States and the North Atlantic basin from North America to Europe.

Obtaining 'White List' status from the Paris MoU is an international recognition that Ireland operates a quality shipping register. Now, ships operating under the Irish flag should see reductions in inspections and this will save operators time and money.

In addition, our ships will now be recorded in international commercial databases used by banks and international companies that regularly charter ships. Irish flagged ships will now be able to more easily raise international finance and compete effectively for business with other international operators.

For more information on the Paris MoU - Click Here