Don't Rubbish Tipp


South Tipperary County Council was delighted with the success of the FÁS initiative in offering support to the county's Spring Clean campaign.

Over 100 FÁS workers took to the rural roads during the month of April and filled over 8,500 bags of rubbish.

FÁS had approached the County Council to offer their assistance after Councillors expressed concern at the amount of rubbish on the roadsides visible to all passers-by.

An excellent working partnership between FÁS and the Council got underway to rid the rural roadsides of litter. FÁS litter-picking crews were a common sight around the county, filling identifiable yellow refuse sacks - brandishing a 'Don't Rubbish Tipp' slogan. Rubbish bags were filled to the brim with plastic bottles, disposable coffee cups and food packaging - which topped the poll of the most common items found along the roadsides.

Incidences of illegal dumping along roadside drains were also tackled and cleared away.

The partnership between FÁS and South Tipperary County Council proved invaluable as FÁS provided the much-needed manpower to do a clean sweep to rid the county roadsides of litter. The County Council provided FÁS with the necessary materials for the clean-up and organised local council depots to act as temporary storage facilities for the yellow refuse sacks.

The Council refuse freighter collected the rubbish on a weekly basis and transported the litter to the county's landfill in Donohill.

The manpower provided by FÁS allowed 32 tonnes of rubbish to be removed from the roadsides over a four-week period. South Tipperary County Council is proud of this unique litter initiative, which was made possible only by FÁS coming forward and offering its support to the county's Spring Clean campaign.

"I would like to acknowledge the commitment of FÁS to this initiative" - commented Bernadette Moloney, Public Awareness Officer of South Tipperary County Council.

"Litter-louts be warned that littering is not acceptable in South Tipperary - the county is clean, the gloves are off, litter louts will not be tolerated" - she added.