Wood Energy Open Day


The County Clare Wood Energy Project (CCWEP) - in association with Rural Resource Development, Teagasc and Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI) - will host a National Wood Energy Open Day on Friday, 25th April 2008 in the Clare Inn Hotel.

This landmark event will open-up the county’s wood energy for all 300 delegates - featuring thinning, chipping and boiler site visits, which will be practically delivered by a host of leading figures, both nationally and locally in Clare, where CCWEP and its clients have been 'blazing a trail' in the wood energy sector for the past 3 years.

The Open Day will also include the launch - by Minister Mary Wallace, TD, Dept. of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food - of CCWEP’s ‘Wood Energy Guidelines’ - a publication outlining best practice in woodchip boiler installation.

In addition, CCWEP will launch its wood energy promotional campaign incorporating its ‘Wood Energy Promotional Brochure’.

The Forest Service, CCWEP, Teagasc, Sustainable Energy Ireland and the Limerick Clare Energy Agency will host information stands at the Clare Inn during the OPen Day.

For more information - and to download the Programme for the CCWEP Open Day - Click Here