North and South combine on geoscience


Delivering the opening address at the first joint meeting of the Consultative Committees of the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) and the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI), Minister of State Tony Killeen, TD said that the recently-agreed Framework for Increased Cooperation between the GSNI and the GSI is pragmatic and feasible.

According to Minister Killeen, the benefit of this scientific cooperation would be significant for both organisations - not only in terms of increased efficiency and a shared knowledge and skills base, but also to the economy, delivering improved competitiveness and support for balanced regional development.

At the meeting, Minister Killeen also launched the study - Geoscience: Gaining Ground - saying - "This year - International Year of the Planet - is providing the opportunity to demonstrate the valuable contribution geoscience is making - socially and economically. It is a long-established sector in Ireland - spanning many areas including industry, research and education. Most recent figures indicate that the sector contributed over €4 billion to the economy - something which I regard as an excellent example of how science can underpin economic activity."

The Minister added - "I also want to acknowledge the role of the British Geological Survey (BGS) in enhancing technical knowledge and product delivery. I know that there are strong historical linkages between the BGS and the GSI and I am confident that the continued cooperation will enhance this relationship now and in the future.


1. The Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) is a Division of the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. Its purpose is to provide geological information and advice of relevance to Ireland.

2. Geoscience: Gaining Ground is published by GSI and is an edited version of the report - Economic Study of the Impact of the Geoscience Sector in Ireland - by the CSA Group with Jerome Casey and Co. Ltd.

3. The recently published study has concluded that, in 2006, the geoscience sector contributed €4.24 billion to Ireland’s economy. The sector employed over 30,000 people - 1.4% of total Irish employment.

4. For the programme of events scheduled for International Year of Planet Earth (IYPE) - Click Here

5. For further information on the report contact Dr Peadar McArdle, Director, GSI, on 087 – 2262519, and on IYPE, Mr Enda Gallagher, Marketing Officer, GSI, on 01 – 6782834.

To download a copy of Geoscience: Gaining Ground - Click Here