In Northern Ireland, Mr Derek Henry (50) of Annaghone Road,
Stewartstown has been sentenced for two charges of breaches
of waste management legislation.
He had been found guilty at Dungannon Magistrates' court
on 8 November 2007 and, following his conviction, was ordered
to clear the site to the Department's satisfaction before
Mr Henry was found guilty of two charges of illegally keeping
waste and fined £1,000 and £500, respectively. Additionally,
he was found guilty of two charges of depositing waste and
was fined £1,000 and £500 respectively (a total
of £ 3,000) plus court costs.
On 16 November 2005, Environment and Heritage Service (EHS)
officers had visited the Annaghone Road site, adjacent to
the Inneval Railway walk. Mr Henry was contacted and agreed
to clean up the area of waste they discovered. EHS officers
returned on 23 February 2006, 14 June 2006 and 2 August 2006
- on each occasion, more waste was on site.
The site contained approximately 360 tonnes of waste - including
dead animals, plastic, car tyres, tin cans, toys, bricks,
slates, car parts, green waste cuttings and wood. A dig of
the site also revealed black foaming leachate.