Bird Atlas 2007-11


The Bird Atlas 2007-11 is off to a flying start following the first winter of survey work.

The number of dedicated volunteers helping to map Ireland’s birds has just reached the 1,000 mark for the first time and an incredible 95,000 bird records have been submitted to the Atlas website in Ireland. BirdWatch Ireland - the Irish Atlas Coordinator - is aiming to survey all bird species across the whole country over the next four years.

The results of this Atlas will play a major part in setting the priorities for bird conservation in Ireland for the next two decades. With so many changes taking place across the country - such as our changing climate, increased development pressure and evolving agricultural sector - it is essential that we monitor how our birds are faring amidst an ever-changing Ireland.

This is why the Atlas is so important and why your help is needed to put the dots on the maps to answer these questions. So, from the 1st April, why not do your bit by taking on a square for the Bird Atlas. The methods involved couldn’t be simpler and everyone can help - from the expert birdwatcher to the complete beginner. Just log on to the website - Click Here - or contact the Atlas Coordinator for details.

The submission of records online allows BirdWatch Ireland very quickly to build a picture of the distribution of birds and already there have been some exciting early findings - like the spread of the Buzzard. However, these maps do not show the complete picture - it will take four years to do that.

In Ireland, funding for the organisation and undertaking of the Atlas fieldwork is being provided by The National Parks & Wildlife Service, The Environmental Protection Agency, The Heritage Council and The Environment & Heritage Service - NI.

Irish Atlas Coordinator - Brian Caffrey, BirdWatch Ireland, Midlands Office, Crank House, Banagher, Co. Offaly
Tel: 05791 51676 / Email: [email protected]