First European philanthropic charity fully dedicated to CO2 reduction


The European Climate Foundation (ECF) - which claims to be the first philanthropic organisation solely dedicated to reducing CO2 in Europe - has been officially established.

According to ECF, the foundation - 'aims to promote climate and energy policies that greatly reduce Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions and help Europe play an even stronger international leadership role in mitigating climate change'.

Asked about his motivation, ECF's CEO, Jules Kortenhorst says - "It is a great honour and responsibility to take charge of the European Climate Foundation. I believe climate change is the single biggest challenge facing humanity. All available resources of governments, civil society and business and must be directed towards tackling this problem. With ECF, we look forward to being a part of that effort."

To meet that challenge, several funding partners joined forces in 2007 to create a new multi-million euro philanthropic entity called the European Climate Foundation.

ECF sees Europe as a critical arena in the fight against climate change for two reasons. Firstly, it is one of the largest sources of global warming pollution, behind only the US and China. Second, European governments appear to be committing to sizeable emissions reductions, leading global regulation and promising political commitment. If Europe meets its current level of commitments and continues to improve them, it will serve as an example to the world. Conversely, if Europe backtracks it will severely undercut global efforts to meet the climate challenge.

ECF is part of a global network of regional philanthropies dedicated to funding climate and energy policies that lead to significant reductions in carbon emissions - including the Energy Foundation in the USA and the China Sustainable Energy Programme.

ECF has identified four major areas for immediate intervention within Europe -

In accomplishing its goals, the European Climate Foundation will re-grant the majority of its funds to non-governmental organisations engaged in trying to bring about meaningful policy change. When ECF sees an unfulfilled need, it may also engage in direct initiatives - such as commission papers, convene meetings or launch a new organisation.

The organisation will generally not seek public attention for its efforts, but prefers to highlight the success of those who are actually doing the work.

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