2005 Repak Results

Repak, the industry funded
recycling scheme, has revealed initial packaging recycling figures
for 2005 - showing how industry met and exceeded the 2005 EU used
packaging recycling target (50%) by an impressive 14% (64%).
Repak funded the
recovery and recycling of c. 565,000 tonnes in 2005, representing
c. 64% of all packaging placed on the Irish market
- this is a 17% increase on 2004.
Total Repak membership
income exceeded 20.9m.
Membership increased
by 280 and generated an additional 1.7m in fee income.
Repak invested 18.6m
in supporting recycling activity in 2005.
Household plastic
recycling increased to c. 17,000 tonnes - up from just
under 5,000 tonnes in 2004. 13,5000 tonnes were plastic
bottles, representing a recycling rate of c. 28% of all
plastic bottles placed on the Irish market.
In 2005, Repak helped
fund over 28 additional kerbside schemes, reaching a further
366,000 households.
The number of bring
banks has increased by 820 over the last three years as
a result of the Repak bring bank programme. There are
now over 2,200 bring banks nationally.
Repak funded kerbside
dry recycling collections reaching in excess of 822,000
households in 2005 - approximately 55% of all households.
EPA 2004 National Waste Database Report adjusted for Repak
projected market growth
In 2005, Repak membership increased to 2,135 -
representing a net increase of 14% over 2004. 280 new members were
welcomed into the scheme in 2005 and new member revenue amounted
to 1.7m.
Packaging Recovery/
In 2005, Repak recycled/recovered c. 565,000 tonnes
of packaging - an increase of 17% on the previous year. This
represents approximately 64% of all packaging placed
on the Irish market -a significant increase from the 15% recycled/recovered
in 1998.
Source: EPA 2004 National Waste Database Report adjusted for
Repak projected market growth. |
Packaging Recovery
In line with the strategy of targeting the heavier
weight, more cost-effective material types, 83% of the materials
recovered/recycled were drawn from paper/OCC, wood and glass - with
plastic and metals accounting for a further 17%.
Material Recovery
In 2005, Repak funded the recovery and recycling of 43,000 tonnes
of plastic packaging - a 10% increase on last year. This represents
approximately 20% of all used plastic packaging. Household plastic
recycling grew significantly, from 5,000 tonnes in 2004, to 17,000
tonnes in 2005.
In 2005, Repak subsidised the recovery and recycling of 248,000
tonnes of paper and cardboard - 77% of all paper and board packaging
placed on the market. This was an increase of 23% over 2004. In
2005, paper and board accounted for 43% of the total weight of materials
collected through Repak.
Almost 100,000 tonnes of glass was recovered/recycled by Repak in
2005. This is a significant increase of c. 14% on tonnes collected
in 2004 and represents approximately 83% of all glass placed on
the Irish market. Glass accounted for 18% of the total weight of
materials collected by Repak in 2005.
In 2005, Repak recovered a total of just over 48,000 tonnes of metal
for recycling. This was in the region of 65% of all metals placed
on the market and accounted for approximately 9% of the total weight
of materials collected by Repak in 2005.
126,000 tonnes of wood were recovered in 2005. This was an increase
of 19% over 2004 and represented approximately 87% of all wood/other
materials placed on the Irish market.
Operating Surplus/Deficit
Income, generated from Repak recycling fees, amounted
to 20.9m for the year ending 31st December 2005 - including 1.22m
of non-recurring income. This represented a 19.6% increase over
2004 revenues of 17.5m. Total expenditure amounted to 18.6m compared
to 16.5m in 2004 - an increase of 13% which supported an increase
of 15% in recycling activity.
Operating Expenditure
Total direct recycling costs represented 78% of total
expenditure in 2005 - versus 76% in 2004. Total overheads increased
by 4% from 4.03m to 4.2m in 2005.
Direct Recycling
Direct recycling support payments to local authorities,
recovery operators and recyclers grew to 14.3m in 2005. Over the
past five years, Repak has invested almost 63m in direct recycling
Total Expenditure
Domestic supported tonnes accounted for 24% of total
recovery activity and 65% of total expenditure.
Education Activities
Repak ran a number of communication and education
campaigns in 2005, targeted at Repak stakeholders and consumers.
Repaks main campaigns included the Repak Easter Appeal,
Repak Recycling Week and Repak Green Christmas. Other campaigns
included recruitment of new members and communication of annual
As part of Repak Recycling Week, the Repak Recycling
Awards were presented to recognise members, local authorities, recovery
operators and our youth who have made substantial efforts and achievements
in the area of packaging recycling. One of the most successful promotions
of Repak Recycling Week was a radio competition - run in conjunction
with Toyota - which offered householders the opportunity to win
a Toyota Prius.
Repak also continued its sponsorship of two major
national anti-litter campaigns in 2005 - National Spring Clean and
Tidy Towns.
